Thursday, July 26, 2012

Finally I Write....

My obsession with procrastination has finally ended, and here I am, writing my first blog, a desire that's been pending for a long time now, for years infact. First to make things clear, I am no writer - I possess a very academic vocabulary, accrued from my school years till my recent efforts or rather struggle with GRE. I am also no grammar/spelling fanatic, so do not pounce on me and make me (feel like) a criminal, if I say "I thinked" instead of "I thought", but ofcourse I would be more than happy to correct myself.

I have yet to figure out whether I got any flair for writing, and this is not an attempt to do that either. Writing for me is very subjective, in the sense it helps me structure my thoughts, opinions, and understanding of subjects and brings in clarity of thought.
I can at times really become a compulsive thinker, and go into a stint of what we normally call as day-dreaming. Anyways, here, with "Heads or Tails", I can probably make more meaning out of my day-dreaming sessions.

So, why Heads or Tails? I don't know, it just sounds "COOL". :P
Nah, just watched Dark Knight once again,  and something hit me hard which gave the name to the blog. 


Harvey Dent
"I am an agent of chaos! Oh and you know the thing about chaos...It's FAIR" - By YOU KNOW WHO.
(Undoubtedly, the most extraordinary character of the movie - Joker played by a genius residing in Heath Ledger)

This one dialogue out of the several epic ones in Dark Knight, hit me hardest. This statement by itself does not weigh much, but the movie renders depth and meaning to it. The transition of Harvey Dent from the beginning, where he tosses this cent percent biased coin and states, "I make my own luck", to declaring at the end, again showing the coin one side burnt this time, "The only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased! Unprejudiced! Fair", in my opinion forms the very essence of the movie.
From a life of Choice to one of Chance, from Control to Randomness. It was a fascinating yet thought-provoking transition.

And I believe in the attempt to strike a balance between Choice and Chance, as both are visibly unavoidable in our transactions with the world outside. We encounter them every moment.

So, for the time being, I simply CHOOSE to make friends with CHANCE.

P.S: Watch BATMAN Trilogy, it has much more to it that what meets the eye.